135: Lack No More: Weight Loss Success

fear lack stack obstacles Jun 21, 2024

 Lack No More: Weight Loss Success, where we dive deep into understanding and overcoming the barriers that keep us from achieving our weight loss goals. Inspired by the insights of Amy Porterfield and Mel Abraham, this episode explores how to break free from the fear and lack mindset that often freeze us in our tracks. Join us as we uncover practical strategies to transform your weight loss journey and achieve lasting success.

Transcript Excerpt:

Hello friends, hello. So today we're gonna talk a little bit about this concept called black stacking.

I heard about it on a podcast. Amy Porterfield. She was interviewing a man named Mel Abraham.

And it's how to break free from the fear you have around money. As I was listening to this, I kept finding all of these direct links to the same things.

That we have fear around weight loss and we don't always think of it as fear but it's freezing us which is what he's saying about people are not growing money.

And so we're being frozen in place. We're not losing the weight we want. And it is, it's creating a fear.

Well, instead of thinking about it as a fear that we need to conquer, we should understand it as a lack mindset.

This lack mindset tells us that we are not enough, that we can't succeed, and this keeps us from taking action.

So today, I want to share with you how to address this lack mindset in the context of weight loss.

First, we need to recognize the signs of a lack mindset. Are you constantly doubting your ability to stick to a diet or exercise plan?

Do you feel like you'll never reach your weight loss goals no matter what you try? These thoughts are part of the lack mindset.

Next, we need to replace these thoughts with empowering beliefs. Instead of thinking "I can't do this," start saying "I am capable of change."

Visualize your success and take small steps each day towards your goals.

It's also important to surround yourself with positive influences. Find a community of people who support your journey and can offer encouragement.

Lastly, be patient with yourself. Weight loss is a journey and it's okay to have setbacks. What's important is to keep moving forward and not let the lack mindset take over.

Remember, lack no more. You have the power to achieve weight loss success.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Recognize the Lack Mindset: Identify the negative thoughts that hold you back.
  2. Replace Negative Thoughts: Adopt empowering beliefs to foster a positive mindset.
  3. Visualize Success: Keep your goals in mind and take consistent steps towards them.
  4. Seek Support: Engage with a supportive community to stay motivated.
  5. Be Patient: Understand that setbacks are part of the journey and continue to persevere.

Resources Mentioned:

  • Amy Porterfield's Podcast: "Online Marketing Made Easy" Episode 688 featuring Mel Abraham.
  • Mel Abraham's strategies for overcoming fear and developing a growth mindset.

Join the Conversation: We'd love to hear from you! Share your weight loss journey and how you're overcoming the lack mindset. Connect with us on social media.

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Thank you for tuning in to "Lack No More: Weight Loss Success." Remember, you have the power to achieve your goals and transform your life. Until next time, keep moving forward!


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