136. Baseline Minimums Get the Job Done

baseline minimums perfection Jun 28, 2024

Baseline Minimums Get the Job Done


In today's episode, we explore the concept of "baseline minimums" and how they can help you achieve your goals without the pressure of perfection. Our host shares personal experiences of overcoming low energy and emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and realistic goal-setting.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Pushing Through Low Energy:

   - The host shares her experience of feeling low energy during a CrossFit workout and how she pushed through, highlighting the satisfaction and pride that comes after completing a task, regardless of performance level.


  1. The Baseline Minimum Concept:

   - Understanding that sometimes it's okay to aim for the baseline minimum—a basic, manageable version of your goal or task that still allows you to move forward without the pressure of perfection.


  1. Self-Care Prioritization:

   - Discussion on prioritizing self-care tasks, like making simple, nutritious meals or planning ahead to reduce stress. The host provides examples of her own strategies, such as pre-made salads and crockpot meals.


  1. Avoiding Perfectionism:

   - The episode emphasizes letting go of the need for everything to be perfect. It's about making progress and taking care of yourself in the best way you can at the moment.


  1. Real-Life Examples:

   - Anecdotes about how the host and others have implemented baseline minimum strategies in their lives, including a story about a nurse managing her sleep schedule while working 24-hour shifts.



- "I always feel happier after I finish the workout, even if it wasn't my best."

- "It doesn't have to be a gourmet meal. Sometimes the baseline minimum is enough."

- "The most loving thing you can do in any moment is what you're capable of doing."



- Plan Simple Meals: Use pre-made salads, crockpot recipes, or even takeout as part of your self-care routine to ensure you're eating well without added stress.

- Set Realistic Goals: Aim for manageable, achievable goals rather than perfection. Recognize that small steps still lead to progress.

- Be Kind to Yourself: Focus on self-compassion and avoid harsh self-judgment. Understand that doing your best in the moment is enough.


Connect with Us:

- Free Coaching Call: If you're struggling to figure out how to lovingly take care of yourself and meet your personal goals, schedule a free call with our host. Visit www.coachingkara.com/freecall to book your session.



Tune in to this episode to learn how to balance self-care with life's demands by setting realistic expectations and embracing imperfection. Remember, the baseline minimum is often good enough, and self-compassion is key to long-term success.




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