139. How Much Is Bingeing Costing You?

bingeing Jul 26, 2024

How Much Is Bingeing Costing You?

Episode Summary: In this episode, Kara Hackleman dives into the true cost of bingeing on your weight loss journey. She explores common patterns and thoughts associated with bingeing, shares personal experiences, and offers practical strategies to break the cycle. Whether you’re stuck in a rut of losing and gaining the same few pounds or struggling to trust yourself around certain foods, this episode is packed with insights to help you move forward.

Key Topics:

  • Understanding the Cost of Bingeing: Kara explains the emotional, physical, and psychological toll bingeing can take on your weight loss journey.
  • Common Thoughts and Patterns: Recognize and understand common thoughts that lead to bingeing, such as the need to eat all tempting foods to "start fresh" later.
  • Breaking the Cycle: Learn strategies to identify and interrupt bingeing behaviors before they start, or at any point during a binge.
  • Emotional Self-Care: Discover the importance of self-care activities, like taking walks or enjoying a bubble bath, in preventing binges.
  • Learning from Mistakes: Kara emphasizes the value of learning from each binge to reduce its occurrence and impact over time.
  • Rebuilding Trust and Confidence: Tips on how to rebuild your trust in yourself and maintain momentum after a binge.

Practical Tips:

  • Plan Ahead: Identify triggers and plan strategies to avoid or manage them.
  • Self-Care: Prioritize activities that help you relax and manage stress.
  • Mindful Eating: Focus on eating when physically hungry and choosing foods that nourish your body.
  • Pause and Reflect: Implement pauses to consider if you really want to binge, and if you do, learn from the experience.



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