141. What does it feel like to be a normal eater?

normal eater Aug 16, 2024


In this episode, Kara Hackleman, Advanced Weight Loss Coach, dives into the concept of becoming a "normal eater" and how this mindset shift can transform your approach to food, especially during vacations. Kara shares her personal experiences from a recent girls' trip, where she practiced mindful eating without restrictions, enjoying the journey rather than obsessing over food.

Key Points

  • Defining a "Normal Eater": Kara explains what it means to be a normal eater—someone who enjoys food without letting it control their life.
  • Vacation Eating Habits: Hear how Kara navigated her vacation, balancing enjoyment with mindful eating, and how this differed from her past experiences of dieting and food obsession.
  • Planning and Flexibility: Learn how planning ahead and staying flexible with food choices can lead to a more enjoyable and less stressful vacation.
  • Leveling Up Choices: Discover the concept of "leveling up" your food choices by making small, healthier adjustments that still allow for enjoyment.
  • Reflecting on Outcomes: Kara discusses the surprising result of her vacation—coming back lighter and feeling more in control than ever before.

Resources & References

  • Podcast Episode on Mindful Eating: For more insights on mindful eating, check out Kara's earlier episode on how to start listening to your body cues.
  • Free 5-Day QuickStart Course: Ready to start your journey to becoming a normal eater? Don’t miss out on Kara’s Free 5 Day QuickStart Course.


Kara wraps up the episode by encouraging listeners to rethink their relationship with food, especially during special occasions like vacations. She emphasizes that it’s possible to enjoy all the foods you love while still honoring your body’s needs. If you're ready to shift your mindset and embrace being a normal eater, this episode is a must-listen!

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