77. 3 Tips to Make Stress Easier without Emotional Overeating

emotional eating stress Apr 21, 2023

The Secret to Successful Stress

Does that sound like an oxymoron or what...LOL


Stress Eating is one of the most common reasons for overeating. And, as they say life happens so you will probably never be stress free as long as you are still breathing.


Most diets do not address emotional eating other than to say don't do it. That is easier said than done.


I teach you how to eliminate stress when possible and cope with it, without food when you can't.


I teach my clients alternative coping methods that do not have consequences that end up with more weight to lose. Losing weight can be stressful enough, gaining even more only adds to the stress.


I support you and help you find all the reasons you are overeating. You can lose weight and learn to reduce or even eliminate many stresses. Let me show you how.


 If this sounds exactly like what you need to lose weight, check out my Free Next Step Quiz. That is the first place to start on the journey of weight loss coaching with me. 


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