If the Basics are So Simple, why don't I do them?
manage thoughts mindset sabotaging thoughts Oct 25, 2023If you have listened to anything I teach it is the 4 simple, doable basics. And yet, many of us don't follow them. Today, I teach you why simple and doable are still not being done. This is the missing piece to losing weight, no matter what you are doing.
The 4 basics truly are simple and doable but we have thoughts that:
-We aren't doing them right.
-They don't make a big enough difference.
-It needs to be hard to be effective.
-I'm not good enough.
-It takes too much time.
-I don't have 5 minutes.
and so on and so on..........
The thoughts are what are holding you back. The sentences that run like a broken record are what prevent the basics from being simple and doable.
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