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Cheat Days 1/7/2022 cheat day Jan 07, 2022

Watch as we discuss what our thoughts are actually desiring about a cheat day, and how to eat whatever you want responsibly, guilt free.

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Keep the Celebration going 12/28/2021 holiday new year Dec 28, 2021


As we wrap up the holidays and the end of the year, take some time to celebrate what went well. Watch the video and then use the worksheet below to find your wins and what intentions you would like to set for the New Year.

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Why can't I just write the damn plan? 12/14/2021 Dec 14, 2021

Sometimes you just can't bring yourself to write a plan for your weight loss. You know it will help and makes everything so much easier and yet you still can't get started. Hear why and what to do about it.

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Habits of an Accountable Person 12/10/2021 accountability habits Dec 10, 2021

Learn how habits of an accountable person can help you lose weight. Do what you say you will and prioritize yourself. Write down and schedule it, and so many more.

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I've gained weight, now what? 11/30/2021 Nov 30, 2021

I tell how I gained 15 pounds after losing over 60. I share my judgements, shame, guilt, thoughts of imposter. I also share how normal this is and how and why I gained the weight. I ask myself why I want to continue and celebrate how this time unlike any other; I never even thought of quitting or...

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Weekly Assessment & Planner Worksheet 11/16/2021 planner weigh in Nov 16, 2021

Learn how a Pre - Weigh in Assessment can help you identify the next areas to focus attention in. Plan for the next week based on habits and non scale data not just the scale.

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Managing the Holidays 11/2/2021 holiday special events weekend Nov 02, 2021

How to set an intention for the holidays and your weightloss.
How to plan when you don't know what will be served
How to handle holiday food gifts and treats
How to handle food pushers
Successful weightloss or management during the holidays
You cannot make someone else feel good or bad by eating their...

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Program Q&A - 10/19/2021 program & general questions Oct 19, 2021


Weight loss questions and program questions

*Any pricing or offers mentioned were available through 12/2021

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Program Q&A - 10/15/2021 program & general questions Oct 15, 2021


Weightloss questions and weightloss program questions. 

*Any pricing or offers mentioned were available through 12/2021

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